Dr. Peter Moyle
Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology and associate director of the Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis.
Dr. Moyle is author or co-author of more than 250 publications, including Inland Fishes of California (2002) and “Suisun Marsh: ecological history and possible futures” co-authored with Amber Manfree and Peggy Fielder (2014 UC Press). His most recent book is “Floodplains: processes and management for ecosystem services“, with Jeff Opperman as the lead author and Amber Manfree, Joan Florsheim, and Eric Larsen as coauthors (2017, UC Press).
He has served on numerous advisory bodies, including the Ecosystem Restoration Program Science Board of the California Bay-Delta Authority and the National Research Council Panel on the Klamath River. His research interests include conservation of aquatic species, habitats, and ecosystems; ecology of fishes of the San Francisco Estuary; ecology of California stream fishes; impact of introduced aquatic organisms (novel ecosystems); use of floodplains by fish; and reconciliation ecology.

Dr. Ted Grantham
Cooperative Extension Specialist and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at UC Berkeley. CalTrout Ecosystem Fellow with the Water Policy Center of the Public Policy Institute of California.
Dr. Grantham is an eco-hydrologist interested in the impacts of human activities on river ecosystem health. His extension activities are focused on the translation of research into sustainable, cost-effective solutions for managing water and the environment. Lead author of Systematic Screening of Dams for Environmental Flow Assessment and Implementation, with co-authors Dr. Moyle and Joshua Viers, and the California WaterBlog article “California water rights: You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” He has a B.S. in Biological Sciences from Stanford University and a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley’s Department of Science, Policy and Management.

Teri Jo Barber
Registered Hydrologist, American Institute of Hydrology
Ms. Barber uses her expertise in hydrology and storm water management in her design and restoration work in northern California wildland rivers, streams, and wetlands. Her bioengineering projects on erosion and sediment control challenges utilize natural materials that enhance ecological productivity while repairing streambank failures, stabilizing landslides, and reversing hillslope gullies. She has experience evaluating municipal sourcewater quality, in permitting construction projects, and in construction management. Teri Jo has more than 24 years of experience implementing bioengineering projects in streams of Northern California using rocks, large wood, small wood, brush, straw, and native plants. Using images of field conditions with personal experience, she will discuss the challenges facing Napa County in relation to dynamic surface water/groundwater interface. She has an M.S. Watershed Management and a B.Sc. in Water Quality from Humboldt State University, certification as a professional surface water hydrologist through American Institute of Hydrology, and a stormwater designer certification through the Northcoast Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Dr. Douglas (Gus) Tully
Lead developer of the Scott Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model
Dr. Tully’s doctoral research focused on groundwater-surface-water interactions in agricultural groundwater basins with groundwater dependent ecosystems. He has experience with development, sensitivity analysis, calibration, and uncertainty analysis of integrated hydrologic models. He was one of the lead developers of the Scott Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model (SVIHM), which is currently being used to formulate the groundwater sustainability plan for the basin. He has a B.S. in geology from UC Santa Barbara, a M.S. in hydrology from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, and a Ph.D. in hydrology from UC Davis.

Rich Pauloo
Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, UC Davis
Mr. Pauloo is a PhD Candidate in physical hydrogeology at UC Davis researching emerging regional-scale threats to aquifers, such as nonpoint source contamination and domestic well failure. He will discuss the use of tools from geostatistics, 3D groundwater flow and contaminant transport, statistical/machine learning, optimization, calibration, and mathematical modeling to explain and forecast the behavior of hydrologic systems. He was recently awarded a top prize in the 2019 California Water Data Challenge by the state of California for his work on making water quality data accessible.
He will explain how drought and unsustainable groundwater management have negatively impacted communities in California’s Central Valley, and what Napa can learn from these case studies when planning for basin-scale integrated surface and groundwater management. The role of data acquisition and analysis using remote sensor networks, data science, data visualization/communication, and open source software will also be discussed.

Rich Marovich
Putah Creek Streamkeeper
Mr. Marovich has been the Putah Creek Streamkeeper since 2000, leading complex and cooperative projects to protect the resources of Lower Putah Creek. He has won over $12 million in competitive grants for physical and biological studies, community planning and habitat enhancement projects including: abating and deterring trespass and illegal dumping; controlling invasive weeds; stabilizing eroding banks; restoring natural channel form and function; and establishing native vegetation. He also manages a native plant nursery staffed with community volunteers. His prior experience includes 25 years with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation leading a statewide program to protect listed species from pesticide exposure.

Dennis Bowker
Environmental Facilitator
Mr. Bowker was the winner (1994) of the Environmental Law Institute National Wetlands Award for his work at the Napa Resource Conservation District. The principal author of the Napa Hillside Vineyard Development Manual and the Napa River Watershed Integrated Resource Management Plan, his watershed projects have included such major wineries as the Robert Mondavi Winery, Buena Vista Vineyards, Comaine Chandon, the Sterling Winery, and the Carnerios Quality Alliance. As a consultant and facilitator through the federal government’s US Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, he provided leadership to collaborative efforts to manage and resolve public and private environmental conflicts nationwide, and in Asia, South America and Europe.