Water Audit California welcomes California’s “Salmon Strategy”

“The grand strategy would seem to fit with Water Audit goals….”

Dr. Peter Moyle
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Center for Watershed Sciences, University of California Davis

On January 30, 2024, Governor Newsom announced California’s Salmon Strategy to restore native fish populations and adapt to climate change. Water Audit California welcomes this policy initiative.

We are heartened to see that both the strategy and many of the specific actions are inline with what we have advocated for many years:

  1. Remove Barriers and Modernize Infrastructure for Salmon Migration
  2. Restore and Expand Habitat for Salmon Spawning and Rearing
  3. Protect Water Flows and Water Quality in Key Rivers at the Right Times to Support Salmon
  4. Modernize Salmon Hatcheries
  5. Transform Technology and Management Systems for Climate Adaptability
  6. Strengthen Partnerships