Army Corps approves cuts to Isabella Dam releases as groups look for ways to protect Kern River fish flows and legal maneuvers expand

“The Army Corps of Engineers approved a request by operators of the power plant at the base of the dam to drastically cut water releases between Dec. 18 and Jan. 7 for a planned repair project to the plant.

Under the approval, releases would drop from between 500 and 700 cubic feet per second down to 25 cfs – an amount that would devastate downstream fish populations.

The owner of the power plant, Isabella Partners, has agreed to postpone the work to look for ways to protect fish flows and the Army Corps has agreed to wait for the green light from Isabella Partners before ramping down releases.

Isabella Partners needs to get into the power plant to repair damage from erosion caused by heavy releases from the dam earlier this year, according to the plant manager. The project could take several weeks.” [Read More]